Leyasol Lounge Couch Swing Seat from freifrau
With the introduction of the Leyasol swing seat, Freifrau is making another statement for stylish outdoor living. The characteristic steel wire frame, available in a range of finishes from bronze and brass to all RAL Classic shades, lends a delicate elegance to the Leyasol Update: - Sun Lounger and Hollywood swing bench, officially known as the Lounge Couch Swing Seat. It offers space for up to three people to enjoy hours together in the open air - whether it's for stimulating conversation or simply watching the clouds.
The clou: Leyasol is designed to be used inside and outside. In combination with Leya, the model brings a very special tension to the arrangement at the dining table indoors and outdoors in summer. The cushions - filled with high-quality synthetic down - are easy to remove and store. Depending on the cover they are even weatherproof.

The FREIFRAU collection encompasses impeccably manufactured furniture pieces offering first-class comfort and featuring a range of distinguishing characteristics, in particular feminine charm and innovative, fashion-inspired details. Exclusive fabrics and high-quality leather provide customers with a variety of combination options.
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